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Change aims to keep communities better informed

Far North District Council aims to keep residents and visitors better informed of its work through new-look, full page updates in local newspapers.

Far North District Council aims to keep residents and visitors better informed of its work through new-look, full page updates in local newspapers.

Ngā Tai o Tokerau (The tides of the North) will appear fortnightly in four newspapers distributed across the district and will explain current projects, detail new facilities, and keep residents informed of council activities that may affect them.  

Ngā Tai o Tokerau is part of a new push to ensure that residents and ratepayers are well-informed of the many projects and activities the council is undertaking. Other recent changes include ensuring that regular news stories and updates are front-and-centre on the council’s website and that this is also shared on social media channels.

While many organisations have moved all communications online, the council is committed to communicating with communities through local newspapers. This acknowledges that not everyone is comfortable accessing their news online and that internet access remains limited for some residents.  

Ngā Tai o Tokerau will appear in The Northern Advocate, The Northland Age, Northland News, and The Bay Chronicle.

To access the latest council news, go to www.fndc.govt.nz. You can also read Ngā Tai o Tokerau online here.