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Keep up to date with roading reports

Do you want to know exactly what road maintenance has been carried out on your road through our district? We’ve made this information easier for you to find with a new council webpage.

Do you want to know exactly what road maintenance has been carried out on your road through our district? We’ve made this information easier for you to find with a new council webpage.

These reports are provided by Northland Transportation Alliance (NTA) roading contractors, Fulton Hogan and Ventia. The reports will be published online for anyone to review at the end of each month for the previous month.  

These reports include the impact from weather events, re sealing of roads, images, renewal activities, repairs, routine works, draining maintenance, roading signage, reseals, emergency works, footpath maintenance, updates on unsealed networks, and any other work the contractors have been working on.

The webpage can be found here: Monthly Roading Reports