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Population projections now easily accessible

Population data that is a valuable planning tool for businesses, community groups and the council is now available on the council website.

An interactive online dashboard that makes population projections for the Far North accessible to the public is now available on the council website. The data, which provides estimates about population growth, employment and household size can be found on the council’s Your-district webpage by selecting ‘Far North Demographic Data’.

The data is a valuable planning tool for businesses, community groups and the council. It not only shows what the Far North population looks like now (e.g. age, ethnicity and household structure), it also provides population projections that will help users assess the impact on the demand for infrastructure, town planning and other council services.

The population data was provided by Infometrics, which presented its final report to council in June this year. The information is now available as an interactive dashboard for easy access.

The population projection dashboard also has a drop down menu at the top of the page where you can select ‘Community Profile’. These pages show a snapshot of the Far North District community as it was in 2018 according to data from the last census. Data on these pages are not projections but group population information in categories like income earnings, employment, qualifications and commuting preferences.

Infometrics is an independent economics consultancy and forecasting business. It has analysed and commented on the New Zealand economy for nearly 40 years and provides data to a range of regional and local councils, as well as central government agencies. 

Below - an example of the type of data available on the population projections webpage.

