x__32__fill__social media twitter voice record__64__outline__user profile avatar contact person volume sound users member human speaker record voice recorder speach speak apartment__64__fill__building home house hotel apartment property flat residence

Admin resources

  • Example pages

    See how pages are setup and configured.
  • Tips and tricks

    Useful links and other resources.
  • Components

    Squiz Matrix uses a module page system built with components. This page has the most common components with their respective setup and configurations.
  • Matrix 6 technical documentation

    Technical documentation for Squiz Matrix 6.
  • Squiz academy

    Squiz has learning resources for its product suite. Learn at your own pace with interactive courses from the basics to development resources.
  • Training video (Teams)

    Link to the recorded Teams Squiz training session.

Last updated: 26 Apr 2024 12:38pm