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Make your favourite sports volunteer a winner

Nominations are open for the 2024 Sport Northland Volunteer Awards which recognise and celebrate the ‘bright stars’ who help out in the play, sports, and recreation space.

The awards are an opportunity for people, groups, or organisations to acknowledge and thank volunteers for their time, effort, and support.

Those eligible for an award must live in Northland, be a volunteer, and have made a significant contribution in their role. Nominations are divided into three categories based on the number of years an individual has contributed - up to five years, five to 10 years, and more than 10 years.

Information should include how long a person has been volunteering, what they have contributed, and why they deserve to be recognised. Supporting documentation, such as testimonies, articles, or videos, can also be included.

Nominations are open until 26 May 2024, with an online awards ceremony taking place on Wednesday 19 June at 8pm on the Sport Northland Facebook page.

Nominations should be made using the online nomination form which can be found here. For more information about the Sport Northland Volunteer Awards please visit their website.

The Far North District Council is a sponsor of Sport Northland, a charitable trust that aims to enable and inspire physical activity for enhanced well-being in Te Tai Tokerau.