Cable Bay footpath extends pedestrian options

A new half kilometre-long footpath linking pedestrians to State Highway 10 at Cable Bay was completed on Friday 29 March. The footpath is one of several planned across the Far North over coming months.
The 1.8m wide path covers a distance of 590m and runs along Cable Bay Block Road from the intersection with State Highway 10 to Pekama Drive. The work included new kerbing and a wooden guard rail.
Another footpath in Te Hiku is planned for Ahipara during this summer construction season. The Takahe footpath will run from Kaka Street towards the Kaitāia Golf Club. The full length of the footpath will be determined by the remaining budget available.
Two other footpaths are planned in Haruru and Russell, with work due to begin this week. You can find out more about this project here.