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Long Term Plan consultation wraps up

More than 500 submissions were received on the council's proposed Long Term Plan 2024-27 (LTP) during a month-long consultation which concluded on 28 April.

Throughout the consultation period, Far North District Council (FNDC) staff and elected members engaged with the community through six drop-in sessions and pop-up meeting events across the district, providing residents opportunities for one-on-one, in-depth discussions on the proposal. These were held at Te Ahu in Kaitāia, council Chambers in Kaikohe, Cornerstone Church in Kerikeri and at the Kaitāia Farmers Market, the Packhouse Market in Kerikeri, and the Te Tai Tokerau Secondary Schools Kapa Haka Festival in Ōkaihau.

Verbal submissions days were held on April 30, May 1, and May 3 to provide 35 submitters an opportunity to address the council directly. Recordings of the hearings are available on FNDC's Facebook and YouTube pages.

Elected members will now carefully review all submissions and other feedback, with formal deliberations on the LTP proposals and feedback received, scheduled for 20 and 23 May 2024. The final version of the LTP for 2024-27 will be adopted by the council on June 26, and will come into effect on July 1, 2024.

The LTP serves as the council’s key strategic planning document, outlining priorities and funding for the next three years. The LTP usually looks 10 years ahead, but due to the impact of consecutive weather events in 2022 and 2023, the government allowed FNDC and seven other councils in New Zealand to reduce their LTP forecasts to three years. This adjustment aims to focus efforts on repairing damaged infrastructure, especially roads, and optimising government funding.

While addressing the district's transport network is the main priority of this LTP, the council sought community feedback on three other key proposals. These were:

  1. Changing the way council charges stormwater rates across the district
  2. Changing the way water and wastewater services are rated
  3. Changing how the council delivers community services.

For more information, visit the LTP consultation page.