Feedback sought on dangerous buildings policy changes
The council is reviewing its policy on how to reduce risks to the public from buildings that are structurally unsound, pose a fire risk, have poor sanitation or are earthquake prone.
Under the Building Act 2004, all councils are required to have a Dangerous and Insanitary Building Policy, which must be reviewed every five years.
The council is proposing to include ‘affected buildings’ within the policy and remove references to earthquake-prone buildings.
Affected buildings are buildings close to or connected to a dangerous building. This update complies with a 2013 amendment to the Building Act which requires that affected buildings be addressed when the council makes decisions about dangerous buildings.
Removing references to earthquake-prone buildings is proposed as this is no longer required under the Building Act.
The council also proposes that a reactive approach to implementing the policy be maintained. This is where actions are taken in response to specific events, such as contractor observations or public complaints. Both Kaipara and Whangarei district councils have a reactive approach.
Adopting a proactive approach would involve a systematic survey of all buildings in the district to identify dangerous, insanitary, or affected buildings. With over 30,000 buildings in the district, this would require significant additional funding and resourcing.
FNDC is required to inform the public about this proposal and gather feedback before making a decision.
The community is invited to provide feedback on proposed amendments on the Dangerous, Insanitary, and Earthquake-prone Buildings Policy until 17 July.
Detailed information on the proposal is available on FNDCs Have Your Say webpage, where feedback can be shared via an online submission form.
Submissions can also be provided via email, in person at any FNDC service centre or library (where submission forms can be printed on request), or by mail. Alternatively, you can request to share your feedback verbally by emailing