Edible event showcases Far North gardens

The list of inspirational gardens, workshops, and presentations is as long as a row of beans at this year’s Northland Edible Garden Trail Te Ara Māra Kai o Tai Tokerau, which starts on Friday 7 February in the Far North.
A must for gardening and food lovers, the not-for-profit event offers the chance to meet and learn from gardeners who are increasing their food security, living more sustainably, eating healthy food, and reducing their cost of living.
A $3 fee for each garden visit, sturdy shoes and a thirst for gardening is all that’s required to take part, with gardens on the trail open on selected dates until Sunday 16 February, but please check the website before going. The entry fee is paid on arrival at each garden, there are no pre-paid tickets available.
Beautiful and nutritious gardens open to the public will range from small urban gardens to rural lifestyle blocks and commercial growers. The historic Te Waimate Mission is highlighted as a picturesque picnic stop on the trail and is home to heritage edibles like grape, lemon and rosehip.
The trail event runs for 10 days in the Far North, including gardens in Te Hiku which open on Friday 7 February, Mid-North gardens on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 February, and South Hokianga, gardens on Friday 14 February.
It’s the fourth year the trail has run throughout Northland, with last year’s event notching up 3000 garden visits and eight workshop events.
This year the Far North leg of the trail received $3703 in funding from the Kaikohe-Hokianga Community Board for signage and promotion.
Workshop and presentation topics will cover:
- The abundant garden and kitchen
- Home gardening workshop
- Food security, soil and you
- Heritage seed saving workshop
- Kaitiaki māra kai: backyard gardens
- Sponge gardens
- Growing resilience.
Go to northlandediblegardentrail for location details, opening times for each property, and workshop information.
You can also follow the NorthlandEdibleGardenTrail Facebook page for the latest updates.
Main photo - the historic Te Waimate Mission is one stop on the trail, it's home to heritage edibles and offers picturesque picnic spots.