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Property rates

The council charges rates and fees to pay for the activities and services it provides. You can read about these in our Long Term and Annual Plans. Rates are set annually by council resolution and are charged each financial year (1 July to 30 June). The different types of rates are described below.

Due dates for rates instalments 2024/2025

A 10% penalty will be added to any amount of the current instalment remaining unpaid after the due date.


Due date


20 August 2024


20 November 2024


20 February 2025


20 May 2025

Common questions and answers

Here are two options for you to find out how much you need to pay.

  1. You can create a request to find out your balance and when it is due, and we will let you know. Make sure you include your contact details.
  2. If you are a registered online user, you can log in and view your rates information
    If you are not a registered online user, you can sign up to become one on this page.

General rates are charged on all rateable properties and are used to fund general activities. Several components determine what the general rates are.

  • Land value
  • Land usage (general, commercial)
  • Units of Use (fixed amount per separately used or inhabited part of the property (SUIP).

Targeted rates are charged to the properties/owners who are in the 'area of benefit' for a particular service or activity. Types of targeted rates are shown below.


  • Sewerage
  • Water
  • Stormwater


  • Bay of Islands Recreation Centre rate
  • Hupara Road Sealing rate
  • Kaitāia Business District rate
  • Paihia Central Business District rate

We collect rates on behalf of the Northland Regional Council and these are detailed on your rates notices. These rates are set by Northland Regional Council.

During the 26 June 2024 Council meeting, the Far North District Council adopted rates, due dates and penalties for 2024-2025. Click on the PDF link to read the meeting minutes and rates for 2024-25.
Rate instalment dates
Instalment Due date  Penalty date  
One 20 Aug 2024 27 Aug 2024
 Two 20 Nov 2024 27 Nov 2024
 Three 20 Feb 2025 27 Feb 2025
 Four 20 May 2025 27 May 2025

Property valuations are done every three years. After you receive your new property revaluation you will have a limited time to make an objection to your land or capital value. Visit our property valuations page to find out the latest information.

Council updates the Rating Information Database in May each year with estimated rates for individual properties for the next rating year beginning 1 July. Rates are confirmed and the database is updated again in July.

If you believe your rates are incorrect you can contact the council explaining why and we will review your case. If we have undercharged you, legislation does not enable us to backdate charges. If we have overcharged rates on a property, legislation allows us to correct the error in the current year, and up to five years prior.

The Far North District has a small rating base relative to its area. It has one of the longest roading networks in the country and many small communities without a large commercial centre to fund the needs of the District.

  • If you are on a low income and own and live at your property, then you may be eligible for a Department of Internal Affairs' Rates Rebate Scheme.
  • If you are over 65, on a low income, and own and live at your property then you may be eligible to apply to postpone your residential rates. For further information read our Residential Rates for Senior Citizens brochure.
  • Contact the council to calculate weekly, fortnightly, or monthly payments using our Rates Easy Pay Direct Debit for your rates or water.

If these options are not available to you and you need help, contact us on 0800 920 029 and ask to speak with our debt management team, to discuss an arrangement to pay all outstanding property rates.

Yes. Please complete the Authority to Act on behalf and return it to us either by post or email.

We require a Notice of Sale to be sent to Far North District Council's property department from your lawyer in order to update our database.

Once the titles have been issued by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ), and subsequent notification received by Council, the separate valuations will be rated from the next rating year beginning 1 July.

Last updated: 24 Jul 2024 2:33pm