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What happens next?

Staff and consultants will prepare reports that include:

  • an analysis of original and further submissions
  • recommendations on which parts of the Proposed District Plan should be adopted, removed or modified.

All submissions, including further submissions, will be made available on the council website when this data has been processed. A time frame for this will be added to these webpages when that information is available.

Hearings and pre-hearings

Council may arrange pre-hearing meetings on specific topics.

Public hearings for submitters who wish to be heard will take place throughout 2024.

  • The hearings panel will hear all submissions and any further evidence presented at a hearing.
  • The hearings panel will then make recommendations to the council on the Proposed District Plan including its reasons for accepting or rejecting submissions.
Decisions on the PDP

In 2025 the council will give notice of its decisions on the Proposed District Plan based on the recommendations of the hearings panel.

  • Submitters have the option to appeal decisions to the Environment Court.
  • The plan will then be adopted, except any parts of the plan subject to an ongoing appeal.
  • The final District Plan will not be fully operative until all appeals relating to it have been resolved.

Last updated: 15 Apr 2024 6:06pm